Writing test coverage for RFCs

As TLS has long history and offers support for multiple algorithms, features often interact with each-other. When planning test coverage for a new feature or a new extension, you need to create test cases for those possible interactions.

The standard

To create a good test coverage you need to have detailed standard—one that includes expected behaviour both for expected and unexpected behaviour from the peer.

See text below for detailed list of possible interactions.

To ensure that the standard is detailed enough you should get involved with it at the draft stage and check if it includes things like expected alert descriptions or iteractions with session resumption. IETF doesn’t allow changes to already published RFCs.

Planning test coverage

You should read the standard and annotate it in places where it prescribes specific behaviour. Then turn those annotations into test scripts or test cases.

The list of cases to consider for inclusion in a script:

  1. sanity check: simple configuration to check if connection with server works and that server continues to work after all tests are finished

  2. specific alert: when testing for error conditions, the ExpectAlert expects one specific value for the alert (with one exception, instead of handshake_failure server may send insufficient_security); test needs to fail if the server doesn’t send an alert (with the exception of close_notify alert)

  3. renegotiation: check how feature interacts with renegotiation, do renegotiation handshakes need to include it, can it use different settings in it, can the client omit it? (only for TLS 1.2 and earlier)

  4. resumption: check how feature interacts with session resumption, do clients have to advertise it in the resumed client hello, does the server need to advertise it in resumed session, can it use different settings in resumed session? Can clients drop it in resumed session?

  5. client certificates: does the feature relates to handling certificates, does the client need to send it too when the server asked for it in the extensions of CertificateRequest (TLS 1.3)?

  6. virtual hosts: does the standard permin for different behaviour for different virtual hosts, either defined by different SNI/server_name or by ALPN? If not explicitly allowed, do you test for consistent behaviour?

  7. undefined codepoints: does the standard describe behaviour with undefined code points (see for example at signature_algorithms extension), does the peer has to ignore them? What happens if the connection has only undefined (essentially unknown to the peer) points?

    • use the undefined code points first then place well known in the list—after all if new types are added, they should be more secure than the old types—to verify that peer doesn’t have hardcoded limits for list lengths

  8. disabled codepoints: do the disabled codepoints not cause issues when they are advertised together with the good codepoints (e.g. MD5 hashes in signature_algorithms, Koblitz curves in supported_groups in TLS 1.3)?

  9. duplicated codepoints: does the standard allow for duplicated entries (items with the same values)? If not, does the peer reject them? What happens if script sends a lot of duplicated, known, but unsupported (or disabled) entries before sending something that the server accepts? (this checks if peer does not abort parsing after filling a short list of known values)


    unless a definition for a particular list doesn’t prohibit duplicated values (like for key_shares or extensions as a whole), TLS does allow for duplicated values

  10. invalid combinations: check if peer doesn’t accept different codepoints in place of a correct one, like a RSA signature with a RSA certificate but advertised as an ECDSA signature, or a ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512 signature with a secp256r1 certificate in TLS 1.3 (to verify that the peer checks the whole value and doesn’t short-circuit some checks)

  11. large lists: check if the server can process a list that has max size but is otherwise well-formed (check if server doesn’t have inherent limits for processing)

  12. empty values: many arrays in TLS have min length greater than zero, check if peer rejects empty values in such cases

  13. PRF interaction: for features that depend on master secret calculation, do they work as expected with ciphers that use “protocol default PRF” (TLS 1.1 ciphers in TLS 1.2), SHA-256, or SHA-384 as PRF?

  14. padded/truncated lengths: do you check if values like extension payloads or array elements are not accepted when they have less data than expected or more data than they should (i.e. mismatch between different length fields)

  15. padded/truncated data: for fields like signatures or finished values, the data needs to be of very specific size, check if it is padded or truncated (either left or right, both for padding and truncation, or completely omitted, length included), it is rejected

  16. impossible lengths: for lists of same sized items, some sizes are impossible, like odd lengths for ClientHello cipher list or signature_algorithms list of schemes, check if peer rejects this kind of values (including one-byte payload)

  17. HelloRetryRequest interaction: for extensions sent in ClientHello that affect TLS 1.3 sessions, verify if server detects a modified version of it in 2nd ClientHello and aborts the connection

    • also check if server detects adding of it to 2nd ClientHello or dropping of it from 2nd CH and aborts the connection

  18. TLS 1.3 padding: if the extension affects handling of records, how does it interact with TLS 1.3 record layer padding? do the size limits apply to padding or not?

  19. 0-RTT: does it impact handling of early_data messages?

  20. version confusion: does the peer reject values or messages valid in one version of protocol when test uses them in another? (e.g. it needs to reject rsa_pkcs1_sha224 signatures in TLS 1.3 and KeyUpdate messages in TLS 1.2)

  21. documentation: does the script describe (in printed messages) what is the general purpose of it?

  22. version: does the script report its version? (you should make it a monotonically increasing value, updated with every change to the test scenarios)

  23. protocol version/protocol type: does protocol version of TLS have an impact? is it applicable to DTLS? (tlsfuzzer doesn’t support DTLS, yet: #55)

  24. interaction with other extensions: does the test need to test the scenario also with other extensions?

    1. extended_master_secret: deos the scenario interact with derived secrets of keys?

    2. encrypt_then_mac (EtM): does the scenario interact with record layer? record sizes? ciphers?

  25. renegotiation and resumption: how does the extension behave when the renegotiation and resumption is combined, especially when the resumed session had the status of extension different than the session in which the renegotiation happens? See also points 3. and 4. (no support for such test cases, see #591)

  26. invalid extension for message: RFC 8446 Section 4.2 states that peers must reject recognised extensions in unexpected messages (like cookie in CertificateRequest) with illegal_parameter. Verify that peer behaves in this way.

  27. duplicated messages: does sending the same message multiple times, or a message of the same type is detected and rejected? Does the peer send unexpected_message alert then?

  28. repeated interactions: does the test verify that repeated interactions (renegotiations, resumptions, key updates, etc.) are handled correctly and don’t cause misbehaviour on the other side (including C’s undefined behaviour or memory leaks, like with CVE-2016-6304)