Source code for tlsfuzzer.fuzzers

# Author: Hubert Kario
# Copyright 2018(c) Red Hat
# see LICENCE file for licensing information
"""Classes used for generating random (fuzzing) data"""

import random

[docs] class StructuredRandom(object): """Random data with structure. This class allows easy creation of random data that is structured, either by having a random bytes of specific length, or intermediate bytes that are constant. vals is a list of tuples, the first element in the tuple specifies the length of the run and the second specifies the values of the bytes in the run. If the value is None, it means the bytes should be random. thus a ``vals = [(16, 0)]`` will create a bytestring of length 16, with all bytes equal to zero and ``vals = [(4, None), (5, 6)]`` will create a bytestring that has 4 random bytes followed by 5 bytes of value 0x06. """ def __init__(self, vals, rng=None): """Init the Object. :param rng: the random number generator to use, `random` by default """ self.vals = vals if not rng: rng = random self.rng = rng @property def data(self): """Generate the random string based on description in vals.""" ret = bytearray() for length, content in self.vals: if content is None: ret += bytearray(self.rng.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(length)) else: ret += bytearray([content] * length) return ret def __repr__(self): """Human readable description of the object.""" return "StructuredRandom(vals={0})"\ .format(self.vals)
[docs] def _normalise_groups(groups, sum_len, step): """Make sure the sum of all lengths in groups is a multiple of step.""" if sum_len % step: for i, val in enumerate(groups): if val[0] > (sum_len % step): groups[i] = (val[0] - (sum_len % step), val[1]) sum_len -= sum_len % step break # in case the list or all elements are super short if sum_len % step: groups[0] = (groups[0][0] + step - (sum_len % step), groups[0][1]) return
[docs] def _pick_length(rng, group_min, group_max): """Pick lengths of byte runs.""" # generate short elements sometimes if rng.choice([True, False]): length = rng.randint(group_min, group_max) else: length = rng.randint(group_min, max(group_min, group_max // 10)) return length
[docs] def _pick_run_type(rng, length): """Pick the payload of the runs with specified size.""" # generate different looking strings if rng.choice([True, False, False, False]): return (length, None) elif rng.choice([True, False, False]) and length < 256: return (length, length - 1) return (length, rng.randint(0, 255))
[docs] def structured_random_iter(count=100, min_length=1, max_length=2**16, step=1): """ Iterator that returns a random StructuredRandom object. Useful as a payload for TLS message plaintext """ rng = random.SystemRandom() max_length = rng.randint(min_length, max_length) for _ in range(count): # select usually a small number of groups and clamp it to the # maximum length of data (as we don't generate 0-length groups) no_groups = int(rng.gammavariate(2, 2)) + 1 no_groups = min(max_length, no_groups) groups = [] sum_len = 0 for i in range(no_groups): group_min = 1 group_max = max_length - sum_len - (no_groups - i - 1) length = _pick_length(rng, group_min, group_max) groups.append(_pick_run_type(rng, length)) sum_len += length _normalise_groups(groups, sum_len, step) yield StructuredRandom(groups)