Source code for tlsfuzzer.utils.progress_report

# Author: Hubert Kario, (c) 2023
# Released under Gnu GPL v2.0, see LICENSE file for details
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import math
from threading import Event

"""Reporting progress of a task and estimated completion time."""

[docs] def _format_seconds(sec): """Format number of seconds into a more readable string.""" elems = [] msec, sec = math.modf(sec) sec = int(sec) days, rem = divmod(sec, 60*60*24) if days: elems.append("{0:2}d".format(days)) hours, rem = divmod(rem, 60*60) if hours or elems: elems.append("{0:2}h".format(hours)) minutes, sec = divmod(rem, 60) if minutes or elems: elems.append("{0:2}m".format(minutes)) elems.append("{0:5.2f}s".format(sec+msec)) return " ".join(elems)
[docs] def _prefix_handler(count, suffix, divisor): """Format the number with a given suffix and divisor""" ret = count lvl = 0 lvls = {0: '', 1: 'k' + suffix, 2: 'M' + suffix, 3: 'G' + suffix, 4: 'T' + suffix, 5: 'E' + suffix} while ret > 2 * divisor and lvl <= max(lvls): ret /= divisor lvl += 1 return "{0:.2f}{1}".format(ret, lvls[lvl])
[docs] def _si_prefix(count): """Format the number with a SI prefix""" return _prefix_handler(count, '', 1000.0)
[docs] def _binary_prefix(count): """Format the number with a binary prefix""" return _prefix_handler(count, 'i', 1024.0)
[docs] def _wait(status, delay, event_type=type(Event())): """Delay execution by ``delay``.""" if isinstance(status[2], event_type): status[2].wait(delay) else: time.sleep(delay)
[docs] def _sanitize_args(status, prefix, delay, end): """Check if params are sane and set defaults.""" if len(status) != 3: raise ValueError("status is not a 3 element array") if delay is None: delay = 2 if end is None: end = '\r' if prefix == 'decimal': prefix_format = _si_prefix else: assert prefix == 'binary' prefix_format = _binary_prefix return delay, end, prefix_format
[docs] def _done(status, event_type=type(Event())): """Check if ``status[2]`` doesn't expect thread finish.""" if isinstance(status[2], event_type): if status[2].is_set(): return True elif not status[2]: return True return False
[docs] def progress_report(status, unit='', prefix='decimal', delay=None, end=None): """ Periodically report progress of a task in ``status``, a thread runner. :param list status: must be a list with three elements, first two specify a fraction of completed work (i.e. ``0 <= status[0]/status[1] <= 1``), third specifies if the reporting process should continue running. It can either be a ``bool`` or a :py:class:`threading.Event` instance. A ``False`` bool value there will cause the thread to finish next time it prints the status line. An ``Event`` object with flag set will cause the thread to finish (using Event is recommended when the ``delay`` is long as that allows a quick and clean shutdown of the process). :param str unit: is the name of the unit of the two elements in ``status`` (like ``B`` for bytes or `` conn`` for connections). :param str prefix: controls the exponent for the SI prefix, use ``decimal`` for 1000 and ``binary`` for 1024 :param float delay: sets how often to print the status line, in seconds :param str end: line terminator to use when printing the status line, use ``\\r`` to overwrite the line when printing (default), or ``\\n`` to print a whole new line every time. """ delay, end, prefix_format = _sanitize_args(status, prefix, delay, end) # technically that should be time.monotonic(), but it's not supported # on python2.7 start_exec = time.time() prev_loop = start_exec event_type = type(Event()) while True: old_exec = status[0] _wait(status, delay) now = time.time() elapsed = now-start_exec loop_time = now-prev_loop prev_loop = now elapsed_str = _format_seconds(elapsed) done = status[0]*100.0/status[1] try: remaining = (100-done)*elapsed/done except ZeroDivisionError: # if none done assume that each work unit will take as # much as current runtime remaining = status[1]*elapsed remaining_str = _format_seconds(remaining) eta = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y", time.localtime(now+remaining)) print("Done: {0:6.2f}%, elapsed: {1}, speed: {2}{6}/s, " "avg speed: {3}{6}/s, remaining: {4}, ETA: {5}{7}" .format( done, elapsed_str, prefix_format((status[0] - old_exec)/loop_time), prefix_format(status[0]/elapsed), remaining_str, eta, unit, " " * 4), end=end) if _done(status): break